Ole Ahrentecht Knudsen

1960 - 2023 Bookmark

Offentliggjort den 21.11.2023:

Vores elskede mand, far, svigersøn, onkel og svoger 
Ole Ahrentecht Knudsen
* 21. juli 1960    ✝† 15. november 2023
Aldrig glemt, altid i vores hjerter
Lene Rasmus og Rune
Bisættelsen finder sted fra Skovvejskirken onsdag den 29. november kl. 14.00 Strand

Elholm Begravelse, Virum

Elholm Begravelse, Virum logo

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Brugervalgt billede
I'm so said, so desolated, so deeply touched. Ole, I have never had the pleasure to meet you in person. But life is strange and people sometimes create & keep the connection with others even on distance. I feel we were somehow tuned to each other's wave frequency. It was very surprising to me, how patient you always were with my trivial questions. I was so lucky to meet you at least virtually and talk to you sooo many times via our web conferences. I truly appreciate your evergreen willingness to help, calm rational attitude, patience with somebody like me - having absolutely none knowledge about your area of expertise. I was many times times wondering how this is possible, and now I'm sure it was because we somehow became really good friends, the friends on distance. That's why I was always hoping to see you back, trying to find around how you are, and honestly waiting for the moment I'll again see you on webex. I miss you Ole... Rest in peace :((



8 mdr.

I always wanted to say to him "Welcome back to work, what were you doing in your long vacation?" Sadly I have never had the chance to talk to him again since then. He was the best mentor I have ever had in my life, and I will never forget the stories what he told me about the mainframe and the systems he worked on. He also told me some stories about his family, I would like to say my deepest condolences to his family, he was an exceptional man. I have been missing him a lot, I hope he found peace, farewell Ole, thank you for everything what you have done, you were a great inspiration to me! Sincerely, The guy who forced his wife to say "Weekend has started, no more work allowed" (we had so much fun working together, he will always be missed) Rest in peace my friend

9 mdr.

Brugervalgt billede
Hvil i fred, Ole. Mine varmeste kondolencer i denne svære tid.

Peter Z. Nemeti (IBM Hungary)

9 mdr.

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9 mdr.

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